Creative Mindset
Creative Mindset ☀ Transformation ☀ Spirituality ☀
The Empowered Sensitive and Creative Podcast
Life as a Creative and Sensitive Soul
Exploring life with a renewed sense of lightness
In this episode, I explore choosing light in the face of darkness. As we’re deep into Human Design gate 15 transit - the gate of Extremes, I also share my thoughts on how planetary transits can influence us and how overcoming personal struggles lead us in finding light in the face of darkness.
One simple mindset shift to go from disempowered to empowered energy
When we venture into new projects, and things don’t go our way; when we want something so badly, and it’s not happening; when things get taken away from us, when the rug pulls out from under our feet so to speak, it can all feel very disempowering. Once we shift from trying to push against the river’s current to flowing with it, things begin to get much more exciting for us.
High Sensitivity, Self-Expression & Vulnerability Hangovers
If you’re struggling with showing up, sharing your art, expressing yourself, and yet, you have this deep urge to create and longing for sharing your art/your truth with the world, please know you’re not alone.
On Self-Love as an Empath, Sensitive and Creative Soul
Switching from Inner Critic to Inner Loving as a default mode changed my life. It is like the roots of a tree, healthily planted into the ground, and nourished by a fertile soil.From this self-love, everything else will grow and flow through you. I know it sounds cliché, but love is truly the biggest creative force in the world.
15 Questions To Ask Yourself To End The Year With Serenity
The end of year can be quite stressful for creative HSPs, who tend to overthink, suffer from self-doubt and feel overwhelmed, with all the related expectations creeping on us - consciously or subconsciously. Because when you’re in a deep state of confusion, it’s really hard to see how you can change. It kind of feels impossible, too much, even more overwhelming.
Transitions - How to handle the in-between (without going crazy!)
Ah the in-between phase… like a thick, heavy cloudy sky, with no sunlight seemingly coming through… I used to see it as an ordeal, a purgatory: why wait? Why “waste time”? I wanna things to happen NOW! And yet such a necessary phase when going through change.
Dear Sun - On gratitude: How to make it simple
Tired of forced gratitude? Ditch the "shoulds" & discover a simple, joyful practice! This episode unveils my method & includes a BONUS guided meditation! Embrace gratitude naturally!