One simple mindset shift to go from disempowered to empowered energy

podcast cover art representing sea life and evoking one simple mindset shift to go from disempowered to empowered energy

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Episode 41

When we venture into new projects, and things don’t go our way; when we want something so badly, and it’s not happening; when things get taken away from us, when the rug pulls out from under our feet so to speak, it can all feel very disempowering.
As someone who’s been through countless transformations, this is one big shift that has been amongst the most powerful.

Once we shift from trying to push against the river’s current to flowing with it, things begin to get much more exciting for us. 

Resource mentioned:

  • If you’re interested in exploring ways to shift your energy with my guidance so that you can be more simply you, I offer a variety of sessions to help you tap into creative expression, dive into inner exploration, and strengthen spiritual connection.

    Book your first session with me


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Exploring life with a renewed sense of lightness


Projections, Intuition and HPS with the lens of Human Design