Transcend Confusion

Inner Peace / Inner Strength

A Creative Playground for Your Soul's Journey.
Every session is a new adventure in self-discovery, where we explore creative possibilities for an empowered living and utilize various tools to guide you back to your authentic self.

The Empowered Sensitive and Creative

The Empowered Sensitive and Creative ☀

Soulful Authentic Self-Expression

A 1:1 Spiritual Mentorship with Rim

Spiritual mentorship sessions with Rim (60 min) & unlimited chat support in-between sessions

Customize each session with NLP - subconscious reprogramming - astrology - human design - creative mentoring

Co-creating Your Transformation.

Each session is based on your individuality and your specific needs  


  • Highly Sensitive People, Empaths, creatives, artists, healers desiring deeper accountability, focus & inner peace in their lives.

  • Looking for energetic support to let go of overwhelm, burnout, stop overthinking and overcome self doubt. And instead seek to realign with their bigger vision.

  • Sensitive souls & creative dreamers  open to spiritual, creative, energetic & practical guidance.

  • Busy moms and  business owners, longing to tap into their artistic spirit, a language to connect with their inner wisdom. 

  • Our journey together embraces grounded action and imaginative exploration, building a life that feels truly aligned. 


  • Mixed media art with photo of shadows of trees on white all, and handmade drawing of colibri bird flying and dots, stars and floral patterns


    New Client - Start here!

  •  Mixed media art with blue, green and purple watercolor, and handmade drawing of florals, clouds, dots and stars patterns


    Returning Client - Welcome back!

  • Mixed media art with pink, yellow, green and purple watercolor, and handmade black and white drawing of florals, dots and stars patterns


    3 months mentorship - ongoing exploration, expansion and flourishing

Woman artist and spiritual mentor lying on back and covering part of face with flowers and leaves. Picture conveys a dreamy, poetic vibe.

Things we can cover during our time together

  • Reconnect with your inner child

  • Releasing blocks & limiting beliefs

  • Learn how to process your emotions in a safe and healthy way

  • Breakthrough from obstacles and gain new perspective

  • Rock bottoms, Transitions & New Beginnings

  • Healing from gaslighting and toxic dynamics

  • Understanding your unique purpose

  • Cultivating self-trust and letting go of self doubt and overthinking

  • Exploring and reinforcing your creative voice

  • Develop, reinforce and nurture your self-worth, self-esteem & radical self-love

  • Brainstorm, give birth to and nurture your creative project

  • Crafting your unique personal roadmap

  • Establishing spiritual connection via intuition, spiritual & mystical practices

Woman artist looking at us smiling and daring us to step up, wearing a quirky polka dot dress and a whimsical make-up inspired by the 1960's. She's holding in her hands a traditional paper Chinese fan.

About Rim

Here’s a bit of my own journey.

Born under the Mediterranean sun, in a vibrant home designed by my bi-cultural artist parents, creativity surrounded me from the start. This artistic haven, filled with both blooming flowers and prickly cacti, mirrored the complexity I felt within. ​Raised to be nonconformist and at the same time to “be the one to make an effort” and to “ take it upon me”, I was soon confronted with the awkward feeling that I could never fit in.

My intense emotions, sometimes deemed "too much," led me to believe I was out of sync with the world. Yet, my intuition always seemed a step ahead, picking up on subtle cues others missed. This sensitivity, initially dismissed as "overthinking" or "being too complicated," became a source of strength when I finally embraced it. Years of suppressing my true nature – my "weirdness" and artistic spirit – in an attempt to fit in, only led to burnout and frustration. 

Conventional healing methods offered valuable tools, but something was missing. A deep reconnection with the mystical, the profound depths of nature, and the interconnectedness of our ecosystem sparked a powerful shift.Creativity, returned alongside this awakening (surprise, it was always there!). This exploration helped me understand myself, the world, and together, creativity and this newfound connection became a language that resonated with these deeper truths. 

It became clear that creativity wasn't just an outlet, but a powerful tool to express them. Then, whispering acceptance and reminding me I was perfectly designed as I am.​

When we live out of alignment with this inner voice, burnout and stress become our reality.

But through creative expression, we can reconnect with that powerful potential and manifest our most peaceful and powerful selves.

Creative expression saved my life time and time again. Now, seeing its magic in my own life, I can't help but share it with you.

It's like this beautiful, powerful light – I just know it's there in you too, waiting to be seen!

Let's tap into its beautiful, powerful, transformational energy together.


This is where I answer your most frequent questions

  • During your first session, we will work on your current problematic and untangle the most pressing knot.

    If you choose to work with me over several months, we will work on the progression and approach the problematic on different angles. We will regularly assess your progress and address anything that showing up in the process.

  • At the beginning of the session, I will walk through your current problematic with you. Next, you can expect questions & conversations to dig deeper. Then, depending the situation, I will take you through a powerful NLP technique, creativity exercises, relaxation. We can also weave astrology and Human Design in the conversation, to help shift things in an empowering way for you.

    The goal of our sessions is to help you uncover blocks, find the root, provide action steps, develop confidence. I will provide you unique, personalized ways to achieve all the above, and will provide guidance on how to best move through challenges specifically for you. 

  • You're a creative soul, brimming with ideas, but self-doubt and a critical inner voice are keeping you from expressing yourself fully. You know you have the potential to create something amazing, but you're not sure how to bridge the gap between your vision and reality.

    Coaching can be your bridge.

    I understand firsthand the struggles that sensitive creatives face. For years, I saw my deeply sensitive nature and empathy as weaknesses, not realizing the incredible strengths they represented. This internal conflict led to burnout and left me feeling far from the fulfilling life I craved.

    Coaching helped me reconnect with my authentic self.

    Through a combination of coaching techniques, design principles, and powerful tools like NLP and hypnosis, Astrology and Human Design, I learned to harness my sensitivity and transform it into a creative superpower. Now, I'm passionate about helping other sensitive creatives embark on their own journeys of self-discovery and unlock the potential that lies within.

  • This is not coaching to train you to become a creative as in pursuing a creative career. It is about developing a creative mindset, shaking things up, seeing things from another perspective. It’s about challenging the limiting beliefs that no longer serve you. It’s about letting your creativity serve you in the way you approach your life.

  • Not at all! In fact, the Fake it till you make it mindset is a way to disguise self-confidence and lack of self-love. It is hiding behind a mask of what we think we should be vs who we truly are. 

    On the contrary, this work is about shedding the layers to uncover your authentic self. Therein lies true confidence.

  • It doesn’t take a lot of time. The exercises I may give can be done in less than 20 minutes/day. However, you are free to just focus on our sessions and not do any of the exercises I’ll recommend. Or you can pick some and do them at your own rhythm. Or you can do all of them and dedicate regular time to that.  It is absolutely up to you.

    Taking regular aligned action however is a great way to reinforce the subconscious programming we do during our sessions, and will contribute to lasting more lasting changes. Repetition helps build new neural pathways, and helps build habits. 

    It’s by doing that we learn most.

  • This coaching isn’t only about career, it’s also about leading a meaningful life, welcome ease, showing up authentically, feeling seen and understood by the others around us.

    The tools I use will help you improve your relationships, family dynamics, your professional life, your hobbies. Everything that makes up the tissue of your life basically. 

  • I hear you, I feel you. As a highly sensitive person and an empath, I used to feel overwhelmed by anxiety and emotions. I was constantly drained.

    But as your coach, before we dive into deep work, I’ll give you the tools to help you relax, re-centre, and block the external noise.

    The first step for positive transformation is a regulated nervous system. 

    Where before there were only limitations, you'll soon be able to see possibilities. 

  • As a recovering perfectionist, I have learned that perfectionism is fear, it’s self-sabotage.

    The little voice telling you you need to confirm to everybody else instead of letting your special light shine.

    Try and see coaching as an exploration, an adventure, rather than work 🌻😉

  • All you are is change, all we are is change. 

    The world is change, every minute, every second. Life is change. Everything is movement in this world.

    So yes, you can absolutely change, if you’re willing to keep an open mind, set an intention, and persevere.

  • While I'm familiar with shadow work, this is too deep work to be doing within this mentorship/coaching container. For work related to deep wounds, I recommend to work with a licensed therapist.

I am a licensed NLP coach, but I am not a licensed therapist or medical professional.

My services are for personal development and do not constitute medical advice.

Please consult with a qualified healthcare professional for any medical or mental health concerns.