Projections, Intuition and HPS with the lens of Human Design

In conversation with Charlie Garnham, 5/1 Splenic Projector

podcast cover with two women with 5/1 Human Design profiles

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Episode 40

In this episode, we dive deep into the world of Human Design with our special guest, Charlie Garnham. Charlie is a 5/1 Splenic Projector, bringing a unique perspective on projections, intuition, and sensitivity (Line 5 is a projected profile in HD). 

We talk about:

  • Understanding Human Design: Charlie breaks down the basics of Human Design, exploring how it can illuminate our unique energetic blueprint and guide us in living authentically.

  • In which areas we can be particularly sensitive to external conditioning  according to Human Design

  • Projections and Energy Dynamics: We delve into the concept of projections, discussing how understanding our own energy and recognizing projections from others can lead to greater clarity and harmony in relationships.
    Charlie and I are both 5/1 profiles and we both share our experience in navigating interpersonal relationships and projections and how ultimately led us to more personal growth.

  • Intuition and Sensitivity: we share our insights into how the Spleen centre in HD relates to our  intuition and instincts, highlighting the strengths and challenges faced by HSPs to distinguish what’s intuition and what’s fear.

A bit about Charlie: she is a highly intuitive, sensitive, yet practical coach who brings the woo together with the do. She is a Human Design expert and at the core of Charlie's message is the understanding that many individuals grapple with feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, often exacerbated by comparison culture. 

A marketer in her corporate career, Charlie has spent her life trying to understand why she is so different and found the answer in her experimentation with the Human Design system which has enabled her to stop feeling stressed and bitter, and live with ease in all aspects of life. 

To find out more about Charlie:


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