Transitions - How to handle the in-between (without going crazy!)

podcast cover about transition times and how to handle the in-between

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Episode 7

Ah the in-between phase… like a thick, heavy cloudy sky, with no sunlight seemingly coming through… I used to see it as an ordeal, a purgatory: why wait? Why “waste time”? I wanna things to happen NOW!

And yet such a necessary phase when going through change. 

Like a fallow period, where the seeds of your intentions lays dormant, and is getting ready to gather strength and nutrients before blooming and blossoming into the next version of yourself.

In this episode, I talk about:

  • How these transition phases remind me of when we move home and get ready to pack and unpack

  • We often think that this big moment that we wait for a long time is gonna be an overnight change

  • The “as soon as… I’ll be…” trap

  • Trying to force things into reality before time is right

  • The process of change and what it involves

  • Stumbling, falling down and getting back up again

  • Transition from a transition

  • Everything in life is change

  • A big jump into the unknown

  • Letting go

  • Grief

  • Getting in the flow

  • Making experimentations

  • Learning to enjoy the discomfort

  • Focusing on the little things, day by day

  • Finding your voice

I’m also mentioning Rob Brezsny’s horoscope


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