15 Questions To Ask Yourself To End The Year With Serenity

sketchbook with graphic drawings and words capturing attributes of the creative mindset

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Episode 29

The end of year can be quite stressful for creative HSPs, who tend to overthink, suffer from self-doubt and feel overwhelmed, with all the related expectations creeping on us - consciously or subconsciously.

Because when you’re in a deep state of confusion, it’s really hard to see how you can change. It kind of feels impossible, too much, even more overwhelming. Maybe you want to work on so many things at once, or maybe you feel like where you wanna go is way too far from where you are now.

Perhaps you’re just seeing all the reasons why it can’t happen.

So boldly jumping into the New Year resolutions bandwagon is not helpful for Sensitive and Creative souls.

Because it’s like trying to plant a garden without learning anything about the soil, the climate, the current season - all important factors you’ve got to work with. 

I believe that’s why these resolutions never last. We don’t really know why we’re doing them in the first place. Sure, getting healthy is a great intention; doing something creative too, but what does it really mean, specifically for you?

Why do you wanna get healthy in the first place? And do something creative?

What will this bring to your life? To your being? Where does it come from? Your mind? What society says you should do? What your friends say you should do? 

Or is it coming from your heart, your gut?

Because if you really want to grow a garden, it’s going to require work, knowledge, patience, time, energy… otherwise, you’ll be bound to quit as soon as something else comes up - an obstacle, challenge, another diversion, something cooler to do, etc… And that can be so overwhelming for those of us creative HSPs who naturally tend to overthink, 

  • So instead, what would you do if you were to start growing a garden? 

  • What would you focus on to begin with?

I believe our quality of life depends on the quality of the questions we ask ourselves, so in this episode, I take you through 15 questions to reflect on, that will help you to tend to your metaphorical garden with serenity. 


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