Creative Mindset
Creative Mindset ☀ Transformation ☀ Spirituality ☀
The Empowered Sensitive and Creative Podcast
Life as a Creative and Sensitive Soul
Harnessing Emotions, Setting Boundaries, and Finding Your Artistic Voice
Today on the podcast, it’s all about creative exploration, managing your energy as a Highly Sensitive and Creative person, ways to get into the creative flow and facing challenges along the way. My guest, Jennifer Faye Colombo, is an artist, creative guide and designer of card decks and journals.
Decoding Instincts and Emotional patterns with the Enneagram
In this episode, let’s delve into the fascinating world of the Enneagram and its application in understanding the instincts and emotional patterns we tend to operate from. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of how the Enneagram can serve as a transformative tool for Creative Highly Sensitive People.
High Sensitivity, Self-Expression & Vulnerability Hangovers
If you’re struggling with showing up, sharing your art, expressing yourself, and yet, you have this deep urge to create and longing for sharing your art/your truth with the world, please know you’re not alone.
On Self-Love as an Empath, Sensitive and Creative Soul
Switching from Inner Critic to Inner Loving as a default mode changed my life. It is like the roots of a tree, healthily planted into the ground, and nourished by a fertile soil.From this self-love, everything else will grow and flow through you. I know it sounds cliché, but love is truly the biggest creative force in the world.
What’s Wrong With Manifestation Culture
In this episode, I talk about what I think about putting such a strong emphasis on manifestation, and how it can be damaging to our mental health as Highly Sensitive and Creative souls. And how I like to reframe it for a more empowered energy.
A Full Circle Story and Divine Timing
If you’ve been feeling caught in a personal time wrap, stuck on your personal version of Groundhog Day, while it looks like everyone else is getting on with their life, light and unencumbered by such heaviness, please know that you’re not alone. Things can change, you can dream it up all over again.
15 Questions To Ask Yourself To End The Year With Serenity
The end of year can be quite stressful for creative HSPs, who tend to overthink, suffer from self-doubt and feel overwhelmed, with all the related expectations creeping on us - consciously or subconsciously. Because when you’re in a deep state of confusion, it’s really hard to see how you can change. It kind of feels impossible, too much, even more overwhelming.
Balancing Feminine And Masculine Energy As An HSP for more harmony at work and in life - In Conversation With Geoff Hinsley
Geoff Hinsley was my mentor and first coach ever. He helped me through a very difficult time, navigating a toxic work environment, and general overwhelm and feeling stuck. Thanks to our sessions, I became more self-confident and realized that there was much more to my purpose than working in fashion.