Creative Mindset
Creative Mindset ☀ Transformation ☀ Spirituality ☀
The Empowered Sensitive and Creative Podcast
Life as a Creative and Sensitive Soul
15 Questions To Ask Yourself To End The Year With Serenity
The end of year can be quite stressful for creative HSPs, who tend to overthink, suffer from self-doubt and feel overwhelmed, with all the related expectations creeping on us - consciously or subconsciously. Because when you’re in a deep state of confusion, it’s really hard to see how you can change. It kind of feels impossible, too much, even more overwhelming.
Embrace joy!
Do you feel stuck at times? We all go about our lives busy with day-to-day affairs, worrying about our goals and deadlines, and overwhelmed with endless phone distractions.I’m not saying these are not important at times, but the truth is they can be real joy killers! Could it be your thinking that may be stuck instead?
Turning Your Weaknesses Into Strengths
So often our biggest gifts lie into what we think is our biggest curse. When we’re young, we are criticized and shamed for things that come naturally to us but are deemed unreasonable or unimportant by society, our caregivers, our peers. What if these perceived weaknesses were actually our biggest strengths?
How To Find Your Purpose
Our purpose is right here, before our eyes, all the time, but often, we only know it subconsciously. In this episode, I share the exact process I took myself through when it was time for me to embark on a new path.
Emotions, Intuition and Owning your truth - In Conversation with Bianca Giulione - Part 2
In this episode you will learn about how to process our emotions with Astrology , how to work with the Moon Sign, and the correlation between our emotions, our gut and our intuition.
Nurturing Your Life Force Energy - In Conversation With Bianca Giulione - Part 1
Today, I’m joined by Bianca Giulione, the host and creator of Life Forces podcast, a podcast that discusses astrology, Human Design, transitions, balance, and so much more.
Flowing into authenticity In conversation with Cami Minerbo - Part 2
We hear a lot about alignment these days. But what does it mean exactly? How do you know when you are aligned with what’s meant for you? Is that the same as intuition? What about all these complicated feelings and emotions that “get in the way”?
How grounding can help you to flow - In conversation with Cami Minerbo
When we feel uncomfortable emotions, sometimes it’s because we tuned out of our bodies and are doing things that are not right for us. Perhaps they’re good for society or other people, but since we’re all unique, is it really possible to lead a fulfilled life as one size fits all?