How grounding can help you to flow - In conversation with Cami Minerbo

podcast cover representing two women having a conversation about how grounding can help you flow

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Episode 11

When we feel uncomfortable emotions, sometimes it’s because we tuned out of our bodies and are doing things that are not right for us. 

Perhaps they’re good for society or other people, but since we’re all unique, is it really possible to lead a fulfilled life as one size fits all? 

Today, I’m joined by Cami Minerbo, the host and creator of The Blossom Experiment, a podcast that discusses authenticity, intuition, and intuitive living.  

In this episode you will learn about: 

  • Grounding and flowing energy 

  • Using spiritual tools as support to get to know ourselves better vs becoming slave of them 

  • Honing in your uniqueness and specificity.

  • Riding the wave of emotions 

  • Listening to our body 

  • How to achieve balance between the duality of flowy flexibility and structure 

  • Mental health, boundaries, and standing up for yourself 

  • Manifestation and empowerment 

  • HSPs tendency to feel responsible for everything and the feeling of guilt 

  • Finding out our true values and beliefs 

  • Judging ourselves for our differences 

  • Facing our problems vs running away 

  • Feeling in alignment with where you live vs disconnected

Cami Minerbo’s purpose is to help others flow inwards so they can trust their inner guidance and create a life that feels fulfilling to the soul.

You can find out more about Cami here:

Instagram: @cami.minerbo 

Tune into The Blossom Experiment Podcast and on her YouTube channel.

To listen to my interview on Cami’s podcast: Harnessing your sensitivity: Becoming Empowered as an HSP


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Flowing into authenticity In conversation with Cami Minerbo - Part 2


Leap into the Unknown: moving from fear to curiousity