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Balancing Feminine And Masculine Energy As An HSP for more harmony at work and in life - In Conversation With Geoff Hinsley

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Episode 28

Today is a special episode for me! 

My guest, Geoff Hinsley, was my mentor and first coach ever. He helped me through a very difficult time, navigating a toxic work environment, and general overwhelm and feeling stuck. Thanks to our sessions, I became more self-confident and realised that there was much more to my purpose than working in fashion. 

It’s actually because of our sessions that I began nurturing the idea to become a coach too.

If Geoff Hinsley had a life-theme, he would say it would be about wonder. 

Both in the sense of being in awe of life and surroundings, (the good stuff ,anyway) , and as in the question, ‘I wonder how that works?’  Of course, leading from that, ‘How can I make it work better?’, or  ‘Can I invent something that works well?’ 

All this involves asking a lot of questions, being open with curiosity and if possible, minimal judgement.  

As a leader in his engineering company, Geoff approached that in the same way. 

Not autocratic, more ‘Let’s find a way’. Again this involved asking questions, in an empowering way. 

He found himself being upset with direct and aggressive challenges or environments,  sometimes that made him feel sick!

He prefers a more harmonised way, but still achieving well, perhaps better. (Certainly more healthy).

Geoff found out this is a key to creating a good coaching environment! All this lead him to his great preference - working collaboratively - which he found works really well for Highly Sensitive People and others around them. 

In this episode, we talk about:

  • HSPs general working style and how it differs from others

  • The power of sensitivity in the workplace

  • Challenges HSPs face in the workplace and how to deal with them

  • Creating harmony at work

  • Discipline, structure and creativity

  • What happens when feminine and masculine energies are atrophied

  • Balancing the feminine and masculine energy for more creativity and harmony

  • Supportive structure in business

  • The challenge of staying in balance

  • The energy of money

To find out more about Geoff:



His email: geoff@geoffhinsley.com

Geoff’s process to balance out masculine and feminine energy within while dealing with a triggering situation, harnessing his feminine energy:

  1. Awareness and self-observation - be courageous

  2. Taking time off to be with yourself and your emotions

  3. Nurture Yourself

  4. Breath

  5. Reframe the situation

  6. Focus on the desired end result

  7. Respond to the situation with grace


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