No more breadcrumb friendships

podcast episode cover about not accepting breadcrumbs from your friend anymore

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Episode 9

« Just be yourself » « Just do it » « Take action » « Go for it » « Set boundaries »

Ask for help, surround yourself with good friends and people you can count on.

Yes, these are wonderful suggestions.

BUT what does that mean exactly? And HOW to do that?

If you’re an empath and a highly sensitive person, being yourself could be very different from moment to moment.

Like a chameleon you change depending on who is near you. You can easily take on the identity and emotions of the people around you. 

You may be seeking validation from others, yet you may struggle accepting love from others and feeling lovable.

You may also find that your empathy and compassion towards others is not reciprocated, and you end up feeling resentful in your relationships and social interactions. But you think it must be you, and you keep making more and more efforts. Until you can’t take it anymore and you end up “disappearing” silently.

Result: frustration, overwhelm, feeling stuck in the same patterns over and over again, disappointed. Not trusting your ability to choose the right things/people to invest in yourself. 

Leading to a dimming of your creative energy.

It may be time to say no to settling for breadcrumbs and aiming for the full bread loaf instead!

Join me for the Empowering and Regenerative Creative Retreats for Sensitive and Creative people, where I’ll guide you to the same process I used myself to find joy and faith in life again, and harnessing my creative energy and taking it to new heights:


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