Why There’s No Point Trying To Be “Professional” When You’re An HSP

podcast cover showing a sketchbook with poetic drawing, about remaining free and authentic

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Episode 13

“Be professional” is something I heard a lot in my career and is something I see many many Highly Sensitive People are striving for. I, myself did try very hard for years and years to “be professional” until I realised it was utterly counter-productive and in fact, a big hindrance in my development as a human being.

In this episode you will learn about:

  • BEING professional means different things to different people

  • How using empty words is a way to put people into boxes and try to fit people into a rigid mould 

  • Change from tribe-centric culture to an age of individualistic realisation

  • “Being professional” is often a statement used to hide dysfunctional and toxic work dynamics

  • Wearing masks and hiding our truth

  • Placing our worth on external factors

  • Talking less, Doing more

  • Appearance vs truth

  • My (expensive) experience with so-called professional business courses and coaches and why it didn’t work

  • Limiting beliefs and fears associated to work and professionalism

  • HSPs and perfectionism

  • Self-censorship

  • Starting creative projects and keeping at it

  • Building trust with yourself

  • What to focus on instead

  • Connecting to your dreams and your desires

Resources mentioned:

“I was honest. I wanted to disabuse potential voters of the notion that I was a straightforward, no-nonsense candidate.

I assured them poetry and performance art would be a key part of my repertoire as a city council member—just as they had been during the campaign.I told them I would consult my dreams and use astrology and divination as I pondered what positions I should take.
In other words, I would act like myself.”

A guided deep meditation/hypnosis taking you on a journey in the imaginary land of your subconscious, leading you to listen to your dreams, your deepest desires.

 This meditation will help you to get space and time to dream freely and gain clarity on what you really want (no more settling for someone else’s dreams).


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