rim creative energy

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Your super sense is hearing.

Attuned to life's symphony, you find rhythm and balance in the sounds around you.

An excellent listener, you are able to foster deep connections.

You have the potential to hear the whispers of the world. For you, every sound tells a story.


What you hear is more important than what you see or feel. You prefer to talk things through. Very attuned to tone, pace and the quality of sounds, you love music and may even play well.

You are also very attuned to tone of voice and precise language - you remember exactly what other people said. You can hear what’s being said between the lines.

You learn by listening and discussion. Debate is important so you won’t make quick decisions on important things. You will need to discuss it first.

You prefer to leave and receive voice notes rather than to email or text. You memorize by steps, procedures, and sequences.


Your intuition speaks through you with words like: sound, hear, discuss, listen, loud, remark, say, speechless, keynote, tune in.

And through phrases like: clear as a bell, sounds like, tune into, bells ringing, to tell you the truth, word for word, I hear you, I am all ears.


You tilt your head in order to line your ear up to receive the sound most clearly.

You move your eyes sideways when receiving information.

You tend to breathe from the middle of your chest.

You can typically be found talking to yourself, moving your lips.


You are easily distracted by noise, and that may lead you to ignore your inner voice.

When unbalanced, you may be loud and overbearing as a result of a fear of not being heard.

You may avoid eye contact, which can cause communication issues with people who have other dominant senses.

Very sensitive to the tone of voice people are using when they’re talking to you, you need to pay extra attention to who you surround yourself with.


You can further enhance your visionary talents and learn to trust the visions that guide you with a number of boundaries, practices and tools.

  • If you feel overstimulated or confused, spend some time in silence.

  • If you feel stuck, spend some time listening to nature sounds.

  • Enjoy music to help you process your emotions. Instruments, music, tones, and other sonic vibrations to balance and heal the body, mind, and spirit.

  • Use specialized sound frequencies to create a therapeutic atmosphere to promote deep rest, nervous system rebalancing, and emotional release. Combining them with hypnosis or guided meditations will work well for you.

  • Prioritize communication with other people, and with animals.

  • You learn better by listening to podcasts and audiobooks rather than written materials or videos.



  • Radical Self-Love

  • Self-Trust

  • Immerse in the healing sounds of Provence

  • Strengthen your auditory abilities

  • Work 1:1 with a guide who acts as a soundboard you can bounce your ideas off

If you're not sure whether The Auditory Ace is your Super Sense, find out now by taking this quiz.

Curious about the other senses? Read more here.