The blog…
Soulful musings, thoughts, ideas, stories and self-reflection for inner peace, creativity & joy.
And navigating life as a creative & sensitive soul.
The Moon is Such a Badass
I’ve always been fascinated by the Moon. But for most of my life, the only images I saw were in shades of grey—cold, distant, lifeless. I loved her anyway, but she felt a little sad, flat, dead. Visually speaking, it was hard to connect this barren rock to the deep, ever-changing world of emotions she represents. Then I stumbled upon a NASA photograph of the Moon taken in 1992. Unlike the usual monochrome images, this one was bursting with color—revealing ancient volcanic flows, mineral-rich craters, and explosive cosmic history. My first thought? Wow. The Moon is such a badass.
Your Lunation Birth Type & Monthly Moonversary
Just like we have a Sun sign (determined by the place the Sun was in the sky at our birth) we also have a Lunation Birth Phase based on where the Moon was when we were born . This phase colors how we experience life, change, and inner evolution.
Each month, when the Moon returns to the same phase as your birth, you experience a Moonversary—a moment of personal realignment!