Shedding the excess baggage in our life

Be it emotional, energetic, material, mental…

As I've been shedding layers upon layers of “truths” over the past 6 years, a big theme has been learning to let go so that I can get to the essential.

Focusing only to the things that are absolutely necessary, and also getting to the essence of things; what's fundamental to me - my soul.

This process didn't happen overnight, it's been a long process,  with lots of detours along the way!

As I'm embarking in yet another transition involving a big leap into the unknown, clearing out has become more and more necessary to me.

Streamlining my life so that I can “travel” lighter on this new path. Letting go of my excess baggage - materially, mentally and energetically.

This got me thinking how often we, as HSP and empaths, we carry way too much weight in our life.

Whether it's by overextending our energy and compassion towards others, letting overdue friendships and overbearing family members take space.

Or when we give our power away to fear and remain small and constricted.

We may also let external events and conditions determine who we are, and let frustration take over our lives.

These uncomfortable emotions, when not processed and fully felt, end up getting stuck in the body, feeding our overthinking tendencies. 

As a result, the temptation to tune out and numb lead us to make choices that are not always aligned with what's really good for us, shutting down the wisdom from our intuition.

On a personal level, my family has been divided into 2 sides, and the rift seems to be beyond repair at this stage. This has prompted my mum to change her life entirely- she is finally giving life to her big dream of living on an island in the south of the Mediterranean sea to dedicate her time to artistic pursuits.

I've been accompanying her on her journey to grieve her (our) dissolved family.

That was a lot to process, and besides grieving the loss of that side of my family, my focus this month has been to detach from most of our family heirlooms and souvenirs.

Shedding baggage.

This process wasn't easy nor simple, but we're slowly getting there. It's been extremely instrumental in me gaining more clarity on my choices, thought patterns, and intentions.

Now more than ever, I was able to distill what constitutes my essence in key words and determine what they represent for me:

  • MAGIC: creating, making things, imagination, meaningful connections  that bring me joy and inspiration - where I can also inspire others

  • SAFETY: feeling grounded, at ease in my skin, safe and seen, and heard with my closed ones, financial security

  • EMPOWERMENT: personal growth, wellbeing, self-care, learning, expressing myself and my needs, following my gut, doing what brings me joy

  • FREEDOM: joy, humour, travelling, adventure, discovery, flexibility, flow, experimenting and exploring

This helps me to make sure everything I do is aligned with these 4 keywords - a bit like the 4 cardinal directions of a compass, directing me to my True North I embark in this new journey with a clean slate, and walk this new path with a lighter foot. 

So why do I tell you all that?

Well, you guessed right  

My invitation for you is to take advantage of the slower pace of summer to take inventory of what's truly important to you - to distill your essence.

Whether you're going through a transition or simply feeling like something isn't right, getting clear about your intentions and what truly matters really helps reduce overwhelm and second-guessing.


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