A message from my Creative Spirit

You don't need to squeeze yourself to a mould or shape that you think is going to make you more successful.

Just be you: goofy, deep, melancholic, joyful, sad, happy, worried, trusting…

All of it.

It's all OK.

Fall in love with yourself. Don't deprive yourself of nurturing, loving nutrients.

Cultivate your weirdness.

There's time and space for you to be you.

Create because you want to express yourself, not because you're hoping it'll be well received, hoping it'll be successful.

That, you cannot control, and it's keeping you tight, constricted, squeezed.


I love you.

Love yourself.

Your creative energy badly wants to play. Let it!

sketchbook with drawings and empowering affirmations about creativity by Rim Creative Energy


In art, it's not the end result that's more important.

It's the journey of getting there.

Let's celebrate that!

Let's play!

Let's enjoy this!


You have access to Creative Energy regardless of your situation. 

You just have to trust the creative process and open up to receive.


Stop worrying about making wrong or right choices. 

Instead see everything you do as creative opportunities. 

Take a deep breath and go for it, trusting you'll be able to handle the results, no matter what.

If you don't like the results, you can always shift your direction again.


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